Carter-Riverside High School Athletics

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Electronic Forms

Fort Worth ISD has partnered with Rank One Sport Management to provide online form completion for all the required district mandated forms for participation in extracurricular activities.

The only form that is in addition to this is the medical history/physical examination form, which can be printed off here and taken to the doctor who is performing the physical.


Go to:

Click on the Fill out Electronic Forms tab to the top right of the page.

Select TX from the state drop box.

Select FORT WORTH ISD from the district list.

Click the Instructions tab for general information on completing the forms.

Click the ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION FORMS tab and the list of forms will appear.

Click on each form and complete it by typing the information in the spaces.

Parent/Guardian and the student will need to physically sign each form by holding the mouse over the space and signing the form. You may also use a tablet to complete the forms so that you may sign using your finger or a stylus.

Click the SUBMIT form and the form will be completed and submitted. The next form should automatically come up.

Complete and sign each form in the Electronic Forms dropdown menu. Once all have been completed; and the medical history/physical exam form has been turned into the Athletic Trainers, the student will be eligible to participate.